Discovering Iceland

2024. 6. 12. 20:38Travel and Tourism

Iceland, the Land of  Ice and Fire

It’s been quite a while since I last traveled, due to the impact of Covid-19. Time seems to pass differently for the mind and body. While my body changes effortlessly every day, like a shell adapting to its environment, my mind, the essence of who I am, feels like it’s standing still.



I’ve always considered myself good at handling long flights. I sleep well, eat well, and enjoy the in-flight entertainment. For someone who loves traveling, this is a huge blessing. However, I’ve noticed some changes in my body compared to my younger days. We should travel as much as we can while we’re young…



I adore the temperature and ambiance of Northern Europe. The calm, gloomy, cold, dark, and atmosphere outside contrasts beautifully with the warm and cozy interiors. Iceland epitomizes this feeling perfectly. Known as the land of fire and ice, it offers a stunning juxtaposition of coldness and warmth. As I pondered the first generation of Vikings who settled in this harsh environment, I was in awe of their spirit of challenge and adaptability. Humanity was designed to face challenges and pioneer new frontiers, a trait passed down through our DNA.


Dragging my suitcase through the snow and ice-covered roads was tough, so we decided to have lunch at a traditional Icelandic restaurant. Unfortunately, the local cuisine didn’t quite agree with me.



We signed up for a three-day glacier tour with a mix of local guides and international travelers. Although I struggled to understand all the descriptions due to unfamiliar words, my body reacted with a renewed sense of interest. It reminded me of my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compestela, where communication with foreigners was challenging. Mr. Kim, who walked with me for about 30 days, advised me to remember that feeling and study hard when I returned to Korea. I did, fueled by the desperate need to connect. Over time, this passion became my dream and interest. Walking step by step, thinking about my dream, I realized I was getting closer to it without even noticing.

I’m grateful that I still have dreams to pursue. Having a goal keeps me moving forward, preventing me from feeling despondent after achieving previous dreams. This journey has reignited my passion for life.



The Icelandic landscape was otherworldly, unlike any place I’d seen before. I was immensely grateful for the opportunity to experience it.


I’ve always wanted to live abroad. This isn’t a vague desire to escape but a deep conviction that Korea doesn’t align with my personality and values. We only live once, and despite the challenges of moving abroad, I believe that if I keep pursuing my interests, new opportunities will open up. I trust that our fate is already decided and that perseverance will lead me to where I need to be.
