27~28. Discovering Santiago de Compostela (Cebreiro, Triacastela)

2024. 5. 16. 22:04Travel and Tourism

Reflecting on Personality and Growth

My personality is quite straightforward. I clearly distinguish between good and bad people, and I can't maintain a poker face. This trait can be challenging in relationships. Concerned, I discussed this with Mr. Kim.

"Can I change my personality?" I asked.

He replied that being honest with my feelings is a good thing. I realized he might be right. If I feel negatively towards someone, there must be a reason. He suggested maintaining a proper distance from such individuals and noted that recognizing the situation is already half the battle. Now that I'm aware, I can gradually address this without overwhelming ambition. Being honest might actually be my strength!

We then faced the twin hills, our final challenge. I definitely prefer mountains over asphalt.

Cultural Reflections on Economic Labels

In Europe, the acronym "PIGS" (Portugal, Ireland or Italy, Greece, and Spain) was coined during the European debt crisis around 2009. Some attribute this to their preference for enjoying life, including traditions like taking siestas. While these countries faced economic challenges, their citizens might be happier. After all, isn't the pursuit of happiness what it's all about? So, is it really bad to balance work and relaxation effectively? I believe it’s actually a blessing, especially in regions with favorable climates.

I don’t aspire to live a stressful life, even for a pile of money. Living well is a true blessing, not a derogatory label like "PIGS."


- O Cebreiro

Lessons from a Bedbug Bite

A bedbug bit me recently. I saw it as a sign, a test of my relationships. Instead of viewing it as a hardship, I'll consider it a lesson. When you're bitten by a bedbug, you must heat all your belongings to high temperatures to eliminate them, as they can hide well and multiply quickly. This incident exposed my foolishness and irresponsibility. I've avoided facing problems directly, which is something I need to change. This lesson will stay with us, a poignant reminder from a tiny creature. It's through such minor events that people learn who you truly are.

A Morning of Awe and Reflection

This morning was magical, thanks to a sea of clouds. Catching a glimpse from the restroom, I was mesmerized. I hurried to get ready to immerse myself in the view, but in my rush, I didn’t get as close as I’d hoped. Nonetheless, it was the most breathtaking scene I’ve ever witnessed.

I strive to capture with my eyes and mind what I can’t with my camera.

Nature is undeniably the most beautiful thing.


- Triacastela


Sea of clouds


For your information,

O Cebreiro is a small village in the region of Galicia, Spain, and it is notably the first village in Galicia along the French Way of the Camino de Santiago. It is situated in a mountain pass at an altitude of about 1,300 meters (4,265 feet) and is known for its picturesque landscapes and cultural significance.

Historical and Cultural Significance

O Cebreiro has a rich history dating back to the pre-Roman times. It gained prominence due to its location on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, making it a significant stop for pilgrims traveling the Camino de Santiago. The village is famous for its ancient church, Santa María la Real, which is said to date back to the 9th century. The church is a key attraction because of the Holy Grail legend associated with it and a well-known miracle involving the Holy Chalice of the Eucharist.

Architectural Features

The village is renowned for its traditional Galician pallozas, which are circular stone houses with thatched roofs. These buildings, originally Celtic dwellings, have been preserved and are indicative of the ancient way of life that has survived in the region. Some of these pallozas have been converted into a museum that showcases the traditional way of life in the Galician mountains.


O Cebreiro experiences a mountain climate, with cool to cold temperatures most of the year and a higher precipitation rate, which often results in misty conditions that add to the mystique of the village.

Cultural Impact

The village and its unique cultural landscape have been featured in literature, notably in the book "The Pilgrimage" by Paulo Coelho, which recounts his journey on the Camino de Santiago. This has contributed to its popularity among modern pilgrims and tourists seeking both spiritual and cultural experiences.

Local Cuisine

The local cuisine in O Cebreiro is typical of Galician gastronomy, with a focus on hearty dishes to sustain those in the colder climate. Specialties include cheeses, especially the creamy and slightly tart "Queso de Cebreiro," which is a favorite among visitors.

Modern Day

Today, O Cebreiro is a blend of its historical roots and the demands of modern tourism. It remains a vital and cherished stop on the Camino, providing a glimpse into Galicia's past and the enduring spirit of the pilgrimage route. Despite its small size, the village offers essential services to cater to the needs of pilgrims, including hostels, small hotels, restaurants, and shops selling local handicrafts.

O Cebreiro is a symbol of the historical and spiritual continuity of the Camino de Santiago, offering visitors a profound sense of connection to the past and a quiet space for personal reflection amid stunning natural beauty.
