33. Discovering Santiago de Compostela (Pedrouzo)

2024. 5. 30. 20:32Travel and Tourism

Embracing Unexpected Blessings on the Camino Journey

Sometimes, the next best thing can turn out to be the best thing. This seems to be the lesson of the day.

As we get closer to our destination, Santiago Cathedral, securing an Albergue has become challenging. Even though we arrived in our target village earlier than usual today, finding an Albergue was difficult. So, we had to find alternative accommodation.

But it turned out to be the best choice for us. It was only five Euros more expensive than usual, but we got a private room and a shower. It was definitely worth the extra cost, except for the WiFi situation. I should have given up on using WiFi when I realized it wasn’t working properly. I spent too much time trying to connect. Human greed is endless and dark. We need to recognize it before it corrupts us completely. Let’s be aware and free ourselves from such greed.


All the choices I make are part of my journey, and every outcome is fun and attractive in its own way. Now, as I approach the final stretch of my route, I look back on the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had. Relationships with people are fascinating. I’m always clumsy at the end, struggling to express and handle my emotions.

Let’s finish off these half-baked and clumsy feelings. Let’s learn how to conclude things properly. It’s awkward, but soon it will be time for everyone to return to their original paths. All the moments we shared, seeing the same landscapes, eating the same foods, and connecting with each other, are very precious to me. It’s sad to see everyone go back to their original routes, but I think that’s the charm of the Camino. We should embrace it. I hope they reach their own final destinations safely tomorrow.


- Pedrouzo -


For your information, Pedrouzo, also known as O Pedrouzo, is a small village in the municipality of O Pino, Galicia, Spain. It serves as the last major stop for many pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago before reaching Santiago de Compostela, just 21 kilometers away.


Key Attractions and Heritage

Church of Santa Eulalia de Arca: This neoclassical church is notable for its scallop-shaped altar, a symbol closely associated with the Camino.

Crucero de O Pedrouzo: This cross monument is a key symbol of the village, relocated to a central roundabout for prominence.

Church of Santa María de Gonzar: Located in the parish of O Pino, this Baroque church is surrounded by nature and has an intriguing history, including the tomb of Josefa de la Torre, a local figure reputed for her piety.

Local Festivities

Pedrouzo celebrates several local festivals:

San Pedro: Held on June 29th, this festival includes a pilgrimage to the hermitage of Santa Irene, accompanied by traditional Galician music and cuisine.

Feast of the Rooster and Horse Show: Taking place on the first Sunday of August, this event features a Celtic fair, equine exhibitions, and displays of local poultry breeds, attracting thousands of visitors.

Accommodation and Services

Despite its small size, Pedrouzo offers numerous accommodations, including hostels and private rooms, catering to the influx of pilgrims. During high season, it's advisable to book in advance due to the high demand.

Culinary Highlights

Local cuisine is rich and hearty, with dishes like chorizo, raxo, zorza, and local cheeses being popular among visitors. Padrón peppers, a famous regional delicacy, are also widely available.

Access and Transportation

Pedrouzo is well-connected by road via the N-547 and has bus routes linking it to Santiago de Compostela, making it accessible for both pilgrims and tourists.


Overall, Pedrouzo is a quaint yet vital stop on the Camino, offering a mix of cultural heritage, local traditions, and essential services for pilgrims​
