12~14. Discovering Santiago de Compostela: Day 12~14 (Burgos)

2024. 4. 16. 23:18Travel and Tourism

Contemplating Human Endeavor at Burgos Cathedral


The sunlight, wind, music, landscape, fullness, people - everything's just perfect.

I'm not sure I'll ever experience this feeling again. It's like another dimension of happiness, beyond just human pleasure. Let's just savor it.

Putting this feeling into words is really tough. I hope I can etch it into my memory and summon it whenever I need...

Got caught in the rain, and my feet are killing me. Since I neglected them, I picked up some bandages and a lighter to deal with the blisters. Health is wealth, right?

Here's hoping they'll be better tomorrow.

My own response to the rain was lacking, but not bad. Walking in the rain... It's tempting to just let loose and soak up every drop.

As time passes, I find myself growing weary of human connections. The darker side of human nature keeps gnawing at me. Maybe today's self-care can ease it a bit, and I can genuinely reach out to someone, not just pretend.

Finding the key to human relationships would be a major accomplishment in this journey...

I believe people can conncet heart to heart through smiles, even without saying a word.

Just keep smiling.



Finally, we arrived in Burgos. In the city stands the Burgos Gothic Cathedral, one of Spain's three major cathedrals and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I was in awe of the magnificent beauty and artistry crafted by human hands. Yet, simultaneously, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for the laborers who dedicated themselves to buliding this cathedral.

Feeling like I might regret not exploring the cathedral's interior, I decided to pay the somewhat hefty fee of 7 Euros admission. Inside, the Gothic style was breathtakingly grand. The cathedral's creators expressed humanity's aspiration to reach towards the sky with a pointed spire. The sculptures were equally astounding. Contemplating the dedication and potentially harsh conditions these artisans endured, I gained a newfound appreciation for the importance of the times.

I believe my generation has equipped me to make a notable impact in my chosen field.

Spending those 7 Euros felt like a small price for such a profound realization.

This place will stay with me for a long time.


- Burgos -



For your information,

Burgos, a city in the Castile and León region of northern Spain, hosts several festivals and cultural events throughout the year. Here are some of the notable festivals held in Burgos:

  1. Festival of San Pedro y San Pablo: Celebrated on June 29th, the Festival of San Pedro y San Pablo honors the patron saints of Burgos with a variety of religious and cultural events. Festivities may include religious processions, music concerts, fireworks, and traditional dances.
  2. Fiestas de San Lesmes Abad: Held in honor of Saint Lesmes Abad, the patron saint of Burgos, this festival takes place in late January. It features religious ceremonies, processions, music performances, and cultural activities. The festival often includes events such as bullfights, parades, and street markets.
  3. Festival Internacional de Música de Castilla y León (FIMCYL): The International Music Festival of Castile and León is an annual event that brings together musicians and performers from around the world. Held in various locations throughout the region, including Burgos, the festival features concerts, recitals, and masterclasses showcasing a wide range of musical genres.
  4. Burgos Arts Festival (Festival de Artes de Burgos): This cultural festival celebrates the arts in all its forms, including music, theater, dance, literature, and visual arts. The festival takes place at various venues across the city and features performances, exhibitions, workshops, and conferences by local and international artists.
  5. Semana Santa (Holy Week): Semana Santa is celebrated in Burgos and throughout Spain with solemn religious processions and events leading up to Easter Sunday. The streets of Burgos come alive with colorful processions featuring elaborate floats, religious icons, and participants dressed in traditional attire.
  6. Fiestas de San Juan: The Feast of St. John the Baptist, celebrated on June 24th, is marked in Burgos with various cultural and recreational activities. Festivities may include bonfires, fireworks, concerts, and street parties. In some neighborhoods, traditional rituals such as jumping over bonfires or bathing in the river are observed to mark the occasion.

These are just a few examples of the festivals and cultural events held in Burgos throughout the year. The city's rich cultural heritage and vibrant community ensure that there is always something to celebrate in Burgos.



Burgos is a historic city located in the autonomous community of Castile and León, in northern Spain. It is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning architecture, and significance as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Here are some key points about Burgos:

  1. History: Burgos has a long and illustrious history dating back to ancient times. It was founded as a Roman settlement and later became an important medieval city during the reign of the Kingdom of Castile. Burgos played a crucial role in the Reconquista, the Christian reconquest of Spain from the Moors, and was the birthplace of the medieval hero El Cid.
  2. Cathedral of Santa María: One of the most iconic landmarks in Burgos is the Cathedral of Santa María, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Construction of the cathedral began in the 13th century and continued over several centuries, resulting in a magnificent structure adorned with intricate stone carvings, stained glass windows, and ornate chapels. The cathedral houses the tomb of El Cid and his wife, Doña Jimena, as well as other important religious relics.
  3. Historic Quarter: Burgos' historic quarter is a charming area with narrow cobblestone streets, medieval buildings, and picturesque squares. The Plaza Mayor, the main square, is surrounded by elegant Renaissance-style buildings and is a popular gathering place for locals and visitors alike. The medieval arch of the Arco de Santa María serves as the entrance to the historic quarter and is adorned with sculptures and coats of arms.
  4. Monuments and Landmarks: In addition to the Cathedral of Santa María, Burgos is home to numerous other monuments and landmarks of historical and cultural significance. These include the Monastery of San Pedro de Cardeña, the Castle of Burgos, the Cartuja de Miraflores, and the Museum of Human Evolution, which showcases archaeological finds from the nearby Atapuerca site.
  5. Gastronomy: Burgos is known for its delicious cuisine, which highlights the flavors and ingredients of Castilian gastronomy. Local specialties include morcilla (blood sausage), cordero asado (roast lamb), and lechazo (suckling lamb). The city's taverns, restaurants, and tapas bars offer a wide variety of traditional dishes and regional wines for visitors to enjoy.
  6. Cultural Events: Burgos hosts various cultural events and festivals throughout the year that celebrate its heritage and traditions. One of the most famous events is the Feast of San Lesmes, held in January, which features religious processions, music, dance, and culinary tastings.

Overall, Burgos is a captivating city with a rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. Whether exploring its historic streets, visiting its monuments and landmarks, or sampling its delicious cuisine, visitors to Burgos are sure to be enchanted by its charm and significance.


